Crystal Witch Katriona

Introducing Myself, Kat

on instagram as @Crystal_witch_Katriona. Founder of

Where do I start?... Firstly let me thank you for being here, its greatly appreciated.

My instagram page Crystal Witch Katriona and Sacred Ground shop was started in a world of chaos (no need to explain the global events of 2020), a time of self reflection and desire to find inner happiness. I could see nothing but fear and I wanted to be part of the change, I wanted to inspire people to be more trusting of themselves and find inner peace. I have practiced witchcraft and been consciously spiritual from a really young age being lucky enough to have a super spiritual Mum, not so spiritual Dad... I'll come back to that part. Lets start at the beginning of my journey... When I was 8 years old my friend died, she was a twin and I was friends with both of them. My Mum was also good friends with theirs. When my friends died she was 9 years old and as you can imagine her Mum was distraught and went on a journey of trying to find where her daughter had gone. Was she on the "other side" was there "another side"??

My mum being the supportive friend held her friends hand every step of the way and went on this journey of exploration into spiritualism, mediumship, meditation, communication with spirit, of other worlds and dimensions? Where had her daughter gone turned into who are we and what is our purpose on this planet?

Being 8 years old I got took along on this journey and as you can imagine developed my own spiritual self from this. I was fascinated. I witnessed and experienced some of the most incredible spiritual happenings in circle and at spiritualist church every week. I witnessed loved ones being reconnected with each other from our physical realm to the "invisible" realms. I experienced hands off energy healing but could physically feel movement and touch. I was around adults who could see auras, hear spirit, sense energies, entities and other beings and those people liked to tell me (and my mum) "oh you’re a special young lady, you'll be very powerful when you get older". What did that meeeaaan?

I watched my mum grow in her own self confidence and develop a love for this world we had walked into. My Mum and I would meditate together and practice tarot and other forms of divination, we would also practice energy manipulation/movement... How was all this possible? For an 8 year old girl it was the stuff of fairy tails and fiction, but it wasn’t. It was all real and happening right in front of my eyes.

As for my Dad, he is a Protestant man and proud of it too. All of the above at the time was woo woo, heeby jeeby nonsense. I have to laugh as I can see him saying it and taking the micky clear as day. He would ask us if we were going "spook hunting" or call us pair of Witches haha. Again I’m still laughing as now he has an adult daughter making a living off of something he would jest at and believe wasn’t real at the time. It was only fear of the unknown and I hold no contempt to his disbelief of what me and my mum were discovering and learning. He has had too much proof to be a disbeliever and I remember the night that all changed very very well. I'll save that story for a blog post.

What does this have to do with how I come to be here... the vary in beliefs in my household gave me an incredible scope to explore peoples belief systems, practices, rituals and lives. On one hand I had my Dad marching in the Orange Lodge, referencing the reformation in christianity and on the other I was witnessing miracles with my Mum. I was fully aware of how systematic and conditioned we all were from day dot... I had this incredible opportunity to explore my own beliefs, what felt comfortable and what didn’t. I unknowingly had been tapping into my own intuition and following it.

Fast forward to the age of 13 and this is where I started to explore Witchcraft. I think the first book I read was "to stir a magick cauldron" - Ravenwolf. I didn’t realise then, what a huge impact practicing Magick and learning to honour the seasons would have had on my future self. I studied and practiced witchcraft solidly for a few years into my late teens before I was encourage to "grow up" find a job, be sensible and go to collage and then before I knew it I found boys and social drinking... I no longer practiced daily but I still referred to myself as Witch.

Fast forward again, through 12 years of partying, drinking, several relationships, failed collage courses, numerous jobs, some I loved and some I didn’t, one abusive relationship which left me with PTSD and anxiety and worst of all it stole my sparkle, my energy and my self worth. I stop the clock here because although that relationship stole so much from me it also sparked something inside of me, to go within. It made me realise life wasn’t meant to be this hard or painful. Life was meant to be beautiful and balanced. Magickal. It made me turn back to my practice and look for all the things about me I had given away over the years, whether that be intentional or not. I reignited my love of Magick. I stirred the witch within from her slumber.

Fast forward another few (plus) years and here we are... after several years on a major self healing journey, moving to another country, highs and lows of the self love journey, a global pandemic, shadow work, untold amounts of trial and error manifesting, healing sessions with various practitioners, a passion for crystals, frequencies, ego integration and more shadow work and even medicine sessions... finding deeper levels of understanding for life, death and the in-between every day through techniques picked up over the years of wonderful encounters with the most incredible people. Hording more books than I can read, practicing daily, learning daily and with a passion to teach and inspire people to remember how powerful they actually are when you strip away all the trauma, conditioning and modern programing.

Something I have learnt is we all hold so much power. We just aren’t taught how to use it. We aren’t taught we have it. I want to reconnect you to it.

I'm now passing on that knowledge in anyway I can via my page and in person.

If you wish to work with me I have several offerings on my "Work with Crystal Witch Katriona" page, you can use the "contact me" page or come find me on instagram so we can arrange a call and discuss ideas.

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